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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-10-07  |  303KB  |  1631x2181
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OCR: 158.15 The POL ICE DEPARTMENT City 144 NEW YORK 10038 New York September 18 1984 Sergeant Alfred Baker C/ Emergency Service Unit WOr Fair Press Bui lding F1 lushing Meadow Pa Corona New 11368 Mr. Robert Gold Di rector f Research and Development Neo teric Inc 6622 North Drive G1 endale AY zona 85301 Dear Mr Gold. Thank you for your most interesting demon: stra tion of "Power Staf" KA-l (Kinet Armament One) which you presented for memb e our De- par tment the ou tdoor Wedne otenbe ind icated our ibsequent ssions Fur ther evaluati .on of the "power Staf be requi red be fore judgment can be rendered relati .ve the use fu. ne this equi wi thin the New York City Police Depar rtment setting Your offer O issuing the "Power Staf" our Depar tment on trial na under actual field ircums may provi the n ...